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“Kuumasairaala” Hospital

KuThe “Kuumasairaala” Hospital project is a significant investment in the development of healthcare infrastructure, aimed at providing residents of the area with higher quality, more diverse, and easily accessible healthcare services. The new Kuumasairaala Hospital is designed to meet modern healthcare needs, patient safety requirements, and environmental considerations.

Key goals of the Kuumasairaala Hospital project include modern infrastructure; thus, the facility is equipped with the latest healthcare technology. This level of equipment enables more efficient patient care. Patient-friendly design creates a positive care experience, with particular attention paid to general comfort and safety. Throughout all operations and construction, efforts have also been made to adhere to high environmental standards and promote sustainable development.

During the construction phase, the project creates a significant number of local jobs, with a focus on employing local talent.

Intecon is responsible for ensuring the realization of these objectives in the project and directing various stakeholders towards a common goal.

CustomerWellbeing services county of SatakuntaBudgetTo be determinedCategoryConstruction